Sunday, February 13, 2011

West Edmonton Mall / Centro comercial West Edmonton

 West Edmonton Mall (WEM) is located in Edmonton, Alberta. Currently, it is the fifth  largest mall in the word, but it was the largest one until 2004. In this mall there are more than 800 stores and services, and it has a total area of 570,000 m2. I took the following photos last September 2010 from my mobile phone.

El centro comercial West Edmonton esta localizado en Edmonton, Alberta. Fue considerado el mayor centro comercial del mundo hasta el 2004. Ahora mismo es el quinto en tamaño, albergando mas de 800 tiendas y servicios, y un area total de 570.000 m2. Tome las siguientes fotos el pasado mes de Septiembre desde mi móvil.

Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception was the largest of the three ships used by Christopher Columbus in his first voyage to America

La Santa María de la Inmaculada Concepción fue la mayor de los tres ''carabelas'' usadas por Cristóbal Colón durante su primera travesía a las Americas

Pirates of the approach / Piratas al abordaje

 There is an artificial beach inside this mall / Hay una playa artificial dentro del centro comercial

 Outer view of movie theater / Decoracion exterior de la sala de cine

I hope you like it!

Slave Lake

Slave Lake is a small town in the province of Alberta where I lived for more than two years. There is a long trip from Spain to Slave Lake because you need to spend about 9 hours on the plain. Then you have to take a bus from Edmonton to this town that it will last almost 3 hours. I took the following photos during the fall and winter of 2009-2010.

Slave Lake es un pequeño pueblo de la provincia de Alberta, donde yo vive por mas de dos años. El viaje desde España hasta Slave Lake es bastante largo, unas 9 horas de avión y 3 horas desde Edmonton en autobus. Tome las siguientes fotos durante el otoño e invierno del 2009-2010.

Sunrise / Amanecer

Sunset: Baseball field beside to the highway
Anochecer: Campo de Baseball al lado de la carretera

Indian tent or tipi / Tienda india

Two deers in the Baseball field /
Dos ciervos en un campo de Baseball

Crows on the tree / Cuervos en el árbol

Outdoor Christmas decorations /
Decoraciones navide
ñas para exteriores
School bus / Autobús escolar
Greyhound bus (intercity bus) /
Greyhound bus ( conecta ciudades y/o pueblos)
Secondary road beside Sawridge's apartments
Carretera secundaria al lado de apartamentos del Sawridge
Truck stop in front of Sawridge restaurant /
Parada de camiones enfrente de el restaurante

Sawridge Travel Centre (convenience store, restaurant, and fuel station)
beside its employees apartments
Restaurante Sawridge (tienda 24 horas, restaurante y gasolinera) al lado del
edificio de apartamentos para empleados

I hope you like it!